Flower TLC - 101
For long last blooms, just follow these simple steps!
For a long-lasting bouquet
Unwrap the bouquet from the paper and remove any floral tape, elastic bands, or string.
Cut 1 inch off the bottom of the stems using sharp scissors or shears.
Fill a clean vase with room temperature water to 3/4 capacity, then place the flowers inside. To enhance their longevity, you can add a homemade flower food mix.
Homemade Flower Food Recipe
- 1 teaspoon of sugar
- 2 teaspoons of lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon of bleach
- 1 quart of lukewarm water
Add more water as the day progresses to keep the level nice and high: fresh cut flowers drink lots of water.
Make sure to remove any leaves or greenery that fall beneath the water line. Any debris left in the water will rot, spoil the water, and ultimately shorten the life of your bouquet.
Make sure to refresh the water as needed. We recommend every 2nd day.
Keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight, excessive heat, and ripening fruit.
Pro Tip! Prune your bouquet! As she fades, remove the stems that are too far gone and rearrange the bouquet to suit. Near the end of its life you may only have 2 - 3 stems left that are still in their prime, place those in smaller bud vases and extend the beauty.
For a lasting arrangement
Keep your flowers hydrated by adding water to the vase as they drink it up.
Make sure to refresh the water as needed, we recommend every 2nd day. This can be done by topping up the vessel or by flushing out the old water under the faucet. Just make sure to use gentle pressure.
Keep the bouquet away from direct sunlight, excessive heat, and ripening fruit.
Pro Tip! Prune your arrangment! As she fades, remove the stems that are too far gone and rearrange the bouquet to suit. Near the end of its life you may only have 2 - 3 stems left that are still in their prime, place those in smaller bud vases and extend the beauty.